Friday, December 19, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
More Advent Ideas
Recycle Bin Advent Calendar
Crafty Crow Advent Calendar Smorgasboard
Or just spend some green!
Better late than never - they won't know!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Countdown's On
Lately Monkey has been really into the trappings and traditions of holidays. Birthdays are all about cake, candles, parties and presents. He's got that down. He even knows that Santa brings him a present (not sure why but he's down with it). He doesn't want to go near Santa mind you - but he wants him to bring him some loot. Monkey has decided he wants a marble maze. He's been looking at catalogs and that's what he's landed on the past week or so. Today in the car he spied some Christmas lights and he spontaneously shouted, "I want the marbles that go round and round and round for Christmas. I so excited!" So this year he gets it that we just had Thanksgiving and next is Christmas - more food, fun, family and presents. What could be better? To capitalize on all this excitement (and to maybe slow down the, "is it Christmas yet?" questions) I decided to start a tradition with an advent calendar. I originally wanted a little house with drawers and such but they cost an arm & a leg and we're attempting to tighten our belts.
Luckily, I got some great ideas from Kids Craft Weekly. My goal was to use only paper and materials I had on hand. I dug up enough paper but couldn't round up enough ribbon to match. So I decided to make the handles of the cups out of the paper I was using. It would have been great if I had a mini stapler (or wasn't out of staples) but I had some double-stick tape. I was home free! But the next day I saw the tape wasn't holding and half the handles had popped off. So time for regular tape on top of the double-stick (so for those playing at home use a mini stapler!). Finally, to top it off, I did buy some 97 cent ribbon and a package of mini clothespins. So I spent about $2.50 for this project and that's well below the over $100 for the coveted house advent calendar.
It turned out pretty good and was relatively easy. You could still get one done if you're so inclined. I'm filling each cup with a small slip of paper with an activity and a small treat. Some will be inexpensive toys and some will be edible. Many things I already have won't fit in the cups so I'll put "look in your toy box for a surprise" if it's too big. I put it up after Monkey went to bed so I'm excited for him to see it this morning!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
I thought I'd compile some interesting options. We all know the main players (Shutterfly is my favorite, Kodak Gallery and Snapfish) but here are some off the beaten path ideas:
Photobooks (okay, they are all over the place but this site ( gives you software to download so you create the book on your own computer and then upload - no waiting for pix to render, etc.) I was so frustrated when I made my free Oprah book on Snapfish (not a book about Oprah - but the deal was from the Oprah show). Everybody and their dog was on the site so it took forever!
Notepads, shopping lists, lined pads, etc. PicPads makes cute little notepads for pure Grandparent pleasure. Great for a fundraiser, big birthday or wedding chotchkies too.
Inexpensive (and green) photo mounting at Plywerk. They mount your photos on plywood and voila, instant art ready to hang. Check out this weeks Seattle Picks for a 25% discount until Dec. 5th.
There's more but I have to go get ready for the influx of parents picking up wreaths from my garage! If you have any great photo gift ideas please comment!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Give Thanks
Check out my latest pick (Doing Good - One Bite At a Time) on Seattle Picks and I do hope you'll attend a Guest Chef Night at FareStart. FareStart is one of my favorite organizations. They help disadvantaged & homeless men & women get back on track through a great training program in food services. They even have a barista youth program. Seriously, check them out. If you have a tradition of giving to a charity each year - FareStart is worth a gander.
Monday, November 24, 2008
She's Crafty
The inspiration (and directions) for the calendar are from Kids Craft Weekly. I highly recommend this site and e-letter. Amber puts out a free email newsletter with all sorts of great ideas for crafting (with kids of course). She also just put out a Christmas Craft book for $5.00. It's a great way to kick start the season. Seriously, check out this site and get to it!
Another one you may already know about is the Crafty Crow. They pull from all over the blogosphere and grab great crafty ideas. I love this site just for the awe (and ahhhhh!) factor. I am SO not as crafty as these people! But I aspire and it's nice to read and think - someday. Maybe.
Enjoy! Oh and here is a direct link to the directions for the advent calendar I'm attempting. It's the one with the origami cups. Wish me luck! All the ones to buy were too far out of the budget - paper is just right!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Girl Meets Burger
Click to read my latest my latest pick on (Designer Burgers). I originally titled it "Girl Meets Burger" or "Chem 101" I also had written a blurb for Asher Anson but another writer snaked me. Dang!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
(Mostly) Wordless Wednesday
For more Wordless Wednesday check out or Wordless Wednesday.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
big boy bed
We wait so anxiously for these events, not realizing that each one erases our baby and replaces him bit by bit with . . . a big boy! The last milestone on this crazy rocket ride was achieved last weekend - the big boy bed. Monkey was a bit late on this one (transitions are tough for my boy). My mom even tried a super-cool firetruck toddler bed. He talked about sleeping in it a lot . . . but it was all talk. Although it was a great toy for firefighter play - we rode to fires many times a day in that bed - no sleeping was ever done. But I guess we don't give him enough credit because all the wondering about how a teenager would fit in a crib was for naught. We came back from vacation and he told us he was ready to take apart the crib with daddy. So Friday evening they did just that and he slept in his new bed for the first time. He slept through the night and everything (although I certainly didn't - I was in and out of there like a jackrabbit). Around midnight I found his head and shoulders hanging off the bed. He spoke rapidly for about a minute while I moved him (something about a house) then sighed and drifted off. So here we are with a big boy. And yes Monkey, "I so proud-a-you."
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
(Mostly) Wordless Wednesday
For more Wordless Wednesday check out or Wordless Wednesday.
P.S. I will start posting again . . . check back on Thursday!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Poppy Rocks
We're back, we're tired and Monkey is whipped up into a frenzy! M and Monkey are currently taking apart the crib with tools . . . wish us luck with the big boy bed transition. YIKES!
I'll get back to posting if we get some sleep tonight (not likely!) but in the meantime check out where we stayed the past week: Alderbrook Resort on Hood Canal and Colette's Bed & Breakfast near Port Angeles.
Friday, October 17, 2008
On the Road Again!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
(Mostly) Wordless Wednesday
For more Wordless Wednesday check out 5 Minutes for Mom and Wordless Wednesday.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Buyer beware
My advice to you? Pre-read your selections before checking them out! Aside from the annoying books we've brought home we've picked out some wonderful books but books that have made for some awkward discussions with a toddler. Now on to the books (which truly are great books and perfect for a child going through a tough situation):

Friday, October 3, 2008
The Moose is Loose
P.S. I liked "dare we say dive" better but I'm definitely not an editor!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Nothing says Halloween like a sucker & a bucket on your head!
Last year we fashioned a Bob the Builder costume (complete with a little tool belt I got at Top Ten Toys) but alas, he would have nothing to do with it when the day came around. We decided he'd go as "obstinate boy" instead. We still had fun and with the crush of kids and coats hardly anyone noticed he wasn't wearing a costume.
Every year I create calendars for my parents. I use pictures from each month the year before of (you guessed it) Monkey. Well, for October the year before I had very sweet photos of Monkey in his lion costume and with pumpkins, etc. Well this year all I could scrounge up were a photo of him as "obstinate boy" with his first sucker and one with a jack'o'lantern bucket on his head. The caption for October reads, "Nothing says Halloween like a sucker and a bucket on your head." Let's hope this year we'll have some better picture opportunities.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Purple Beans
Monday, September 29, 2008
DIY for dummies (like me!)

In the light of the sober morning I freaked out again but we were a go. The wedding was on a Friday evening so we decided to hit the Lake City Farmer's Market on Thursday afternoon to pick flowers for tables and hand-held bouquets. I dropped Monkey at A's house (thank you!) and we jetted off with buckets in the back of R's van. We didn't have a lot of preconceived ideas except for dahlias and something that would work with the sage and fuchsia ribbon R had bought to go with the dress sashes.
It was touch and go there for a while but they turned out beautiful in the end. I would advise anyone to make your own (or a friend's) bouquets. It's not as hard as we thought (and R's THANKFULLY not a picky or crazy bride - like I was). Here's what you'll need and some lessons learned:
1) Pick sturdy flowers (a flower that stays for a week or so in the vase). Don't pick anything too delicate.
Tip: Buy more flowers than you think you need. You can always put some in a vase if you have extra. Once you get down to the business of stripping the leaves, etc. there will be some breakage and some not as straight, etc.
2) Green florist tape (sites suggested wire but we didn't use any since we were working with sturdy stems)
Tip: it's easier if you have a friend to hold the stems tightly while you wrap
3) Ribbon to wrap stems (wider is easier)
4) "pearl" tipped pins
5) GOOD scissors to cut the ribbon
6) Crap scissors (or clippers) to cut the flowers
7) Hot glue gun
Creating the bouquets
First, take them out of the water and dry off the stems. Continue wrapping the stems with the florist tape to give your ribbon a smoother surface.
If you want to cover the end of the stems (and you don't have to) cut two pieces of ribbon and hot glue them in a cross on the bottom (go up the sides on each as you'll cover with the main wrap).
Start wrapping at the bottom and swirl upward. I folded a bit of the ribbon over to give a clean

Now go out there and make a bouquet! I wish I had a little girl because it would be fun to make some for dress-up. Monkey's a bit more interested in throwing the bouquet than carrying it.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Roasted Green Beans
What you need:
a bunch of green beans (or any type of long beans). We use an assortment of purple, yellow wax and green. The small green beans work the best because they get sweet. If you're buying at the store I'd do string beans or green beans. It would be interesting to try Chinese long beans (but I never have).
Some olive oil
salt & pepper
1-2 cloves garlic (minced) optional (but I say essential!)
Preheat oven to 450
Trim your beans
Toss beans with some olive oil and lay on a baking sheet (rimmed) in as close to a single layer that you can get
Roast for about 10 minutes (shake pan 1/2-way through) until browned a bit and tender.
Sprinkle garlic on the beans and salt/pepper to taste and roast about 1-3 minutes longer (don't burn the garlic)
Transfer to bowl and serve
Optional additions:
roasted red pepper
splash of lemon juice (right before serving)
splash of vinegar (right before serving)
parmesan cheese
red pepper flakes or chili oil
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
(Mostly) Wordless Wednesday
This photo was taken at the Kingfisher Cabin on Vashon Island.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Rain King

My friend A & I went to see the Counting Crows & Maroon 5 at the White River Amphitheater Sunday night. I'd never been to this venue and I have to say it was pretty cool. We were in the FRONT ROW so really how could it not be cool?!! But it does seem like a decent outdoor venue and a whole lot closer than the Gorge which is what is needed on a Sunday night.
I won the tickets by being the 10th caller on The Mountain (radio station). I was calling with both my cell and home phone and I got through on my cell. I was amazed (and just like every other caller you hear winning on the radio)! All in all we had a great time at the show. A got a guitar pick (and I think she is still buzzing about that) and we had a nice time away from the kiddos. I'm not much into Maroon 5 but they put on a good show. Counting Crows I love (but maybe not quite as much as A does) and it was fun to see them up close and personal AND they did mostly old stuff so YEAH for me! The staff around us were really friendly and nice (which can be rare in concert security) which is great since they're basically right in front of you the whole concert! One guy was taking pictures for people and he also found a bunch of kids during the Maroon5 set and brought them up front. This one little girl knew all the words and was really getting down. So cute!
All these people around us had cameras and if I'd known I could bring my camera I would have! Luckily, A has a blackberry so we snapped a few photos for posterity (and the blog of course). Enjoy!

Monday, September 22, 2008
I love Google
While we were vacationing at the beach this summer we made a few interesting finds. We found some egg casings on the beach which we didn't
So when Monkey gets older we'll definitely use Google (or whatever else there will be by then) but hopefully also try to do some extra research when needed so everything isn't so instant!
But in the meantime here's what I found:

Here's a better picture of the insect (found on google images - It is a pretty spectacular bug (about 2 inches long) and a bit frightening when it's flying toward you and you don't know what the heck it is! Apparently, they are attracted to fresh paint so sometimes you'll get a swarm on a freshly painted building.
I was more interested in just finding out what laid the egg casings we found all over the shoreline (Monkey loved picking them up and hurling them back into the sea). He would yell, "eggs! eggs!" with delight and scoop them up for a good throw. The main thing I found was that there's been a study that shows contact with squid egg capsules increases agonistic behavior in male squid . . . so now you know!
Ahhh . . . knowledge!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Okay, I am completely on board with the whole "breast is best" stuff. I'm no nipple nazi but I think breastfeeding is a good thing if it works for you and your babe and Monkey and I partook in the whole experience for quite some time . . . but this is a bit W-A-C-K-Y!
Apparently a Swiss chef is planning on including breastmilk in soups and sauces according to an article in The Telegraph. He's quoted as saying, "We have all been raised on it. Why should we not include it into our diet?"
I'm pretty sure it won't be pasteurized.
Too bad this isn't happening here . . . women will receive just over $5.00 US for 14 oz. I bet that's not on the radar for the Mompreneurs .
And no, that isn't Monkey or my breast (thank God as that looks painful). I do have a picture of Monkey on the boob (when he was first born) and in the haze of the first few days it accidentally was emailed to most of our friends and acquaintances. Oops! So pretty much everyone has seen at least one of my breasts so if you missed out - nothing much to see here. Move along!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Please Sir, I Want Some More
Sorry I haven't been posting lately what with all the fall schedule changes and such plus a killer of a head cold I have been L-A-Z-Y. I'll try to get back to it next week.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Braised Kale
Braised Kale
(amounts are approximate) - this feeds two people with a bit leftover (as a side of course)
1-2 T olive oil
1/2 onion or a small onion sliced very thin
red pepper flakes
one bunch of kale (any kind will do) if you don't like kale this works with swiss chard too (Chopped or torn with thick stems removed)
1-3 minced garlic cloves
vegetable stock (or chicken stock)
splash of flavored vinegar (I use red wine vinegar but cider vinegar would work well too)
Heat the olive oil in a large pan over Med High heat
Saute the onion slices until slightly carmelized (3-5 min)
Sprinkle red pepper flakes to your liking
Add kale, garlic (on top so it doesn't burn) and enough vegetable stock to cook the kale but just have a little bit left at the end for "sauce". I'd say try 1 cup but I eyeball it. You can always add more - harder to take it out!
Cook for about 8-10 minutes until kale is tender (I use tongs to get the onions and everything mixed well)
Take it off the heat and add a splash of vinegar (serve immediately)
We often have this with broiled salmon & rice
Let me know what you think!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Happy Birthday to Me . . .
This morning I told monkey it was my birthday and he said . . . wait for it . . . "Why?" (which he asks of EVERYTHING). So I said, "because 36 years ago today I was born." And he gaily responded, "I was born YESTERDAY!" Gotta love that time continuum for kiddos--absolutely everything that happens pre-nap is "yesterday" or "last week".
I remember the days when birthdays rocked! I loved my birthday. Now all I hear is my dad's voice gleefully telling me, "you're on the bullet train to forty." Thanks dad!
Actually, the whole thing isn't really bumming me out like I thought it would (although I must say crow's feet suck). I don't much care that I'm no longer the center of attention (at least most of the time). I had a lot of good years there in the spotlight. Today I was surprised by a few prezzies and some thoughtful cards and calls (thanks for the songs - you know who you are) so I'm pretty happy. All in all it was a nice sunny day and a good birthday.
I still can't believe I'm 36 but I'll just concentrate on Monkey being 3 (which is completely mind-blowing) instead. Will it ever be all about me . . . ever again? Somehow, I don't think so and, surprisingly, I'm okay with that. And really, when you're potty-training, who the heck has time to celebrate birthdays!
Edit 8:30 pm: M came home with roses, chocolates & my favorite imported cookies (yeah!). I did have to share with Monkey (so now I can hear him whizzing around the room as M attempts to put him to bed). AND Monkey pooped in the POTTY (no begging for a diaper) with no cajoling or anything. He just went in there and said, "I just want to be alone mommy." The best present ever!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Girls Just Want to Have Fun
Also, for some reason Monkey picked out Horton last night--and has asked for it three times since. Is he reading this blog???
Wednesday, September 3, 2008

But when you hit that sweet spot . . . it's worth noting!
Clorinda (by Robert Kinerk, illustrated by Steven Kellogg) is a book I don't mind reading over and over and over . . . and over. It's illustrated beautifully and the rhyming is exquisite. The story and moral are pretty dang good too. The basic story is about Clorinda (a bovine) who accidentally goes to the ballet (instead of the ballot-cutely explained pictorally) and loves it! She decides to try her hoof at dance and eventually goes to New York to start her career. Well, it's hard to be a ballet dancer and a cow but she tries her best--and that's the whole point, right? Try!
All in all I give this book both thumbs up (or two pointer fingers up as Monkey does instead). He'll come around on Horton next year . . . I'm sure of it!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Willpower Wednesday (on Friday)
I thought about titling this post, "My DVR is trying to kill me" but really it's me again. I have a compulsive need to empty it. There's no reason to stay up so late watching inane shows . . . but I do it. I NEED MORE SLEEP! The solution is simple - go to bed earlier - but for some reason I simply can't. 11:30 pm seems to be the earliest I can hit and even then I open up a book, do some stupid sudoku, write or lay there staring at the ceiling before my eyes close. Insomnia sucks. I make deals with myself from time to time . . . don't turn the t.v. on past a certain time. Close the book once this chapter ends . . . it may work for a bit but I always end up breaking the deal.
Don't get me started on nighttime snacking! The pounds are creeping up on me and it's (again) up to me to fight it!
Maybe admitting there's a problem (in print) will help me to change. One can only hope!
Oh and I did end up going to bed early last night (to bed at 9:30 and lights out 10:30--pretty good since the past few nights I've looked at the clock and it's been 1:30 am). But then Monkey was up off and on between 2:00 and 3:45 . . . that hasn't happened in months! I guess he knew I was trying to catch some zzz's. Damned if you do, damned if you don't!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Poached Halibut
And now for the recipe (adapted from Rachael Ray on food network) I use less fish but the same amt of shallots/garlic for four pieces . . .
You'll need:
pan with tight fitting lid
olive oil
2 halibut fillets
sliced shallot (or a thinly sliced 1/4 of an onion if you don't have shallots on hand)
garlic clove (diced)
enough white wine to fill pan about 1/4 inch or so (1/4 - 1/2 cup?)
about a cup of diced tomatoes (or 1/2 - 2/3 of a well-drained can)
thinly sliced basil for topping
Season the fish with salt/pepper.
In a large pan (with a tight lid) add a bit of oil (less than a T).
Lightly dredge the fish in the oil (turn over so both sides get a bit of oil)
add garlic, shallots and wine to pan
Top each piece of fish with tomatoes
Heat to boiling over Medium heat, then put on the lid
Cook until done (but not too dry) about 7-10 minutes
Transfer to plates (add some of the cooking juices and garlic/shallots)
Squeeze lemon over the top and top with basil
Serve immediately
I like to serve this with whole wheat pasta with Newman's Own tomato/basil sauce (if I don't have my own and I usually don't!) or quinoa (then put the fish on top and the quinoa will soak up the juices).
This is a great weeknight meal that looks fancy and tastes great.
Monday, August 25, 2008
It's Official!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Omnivore 100
A friend sent me a link to Very Good Taste (a blog about eating and drinking). Well, I love eating and drinking so I thought I'd join in on the omnivore 100. Here are the details from Andrew (and my results below):
Here’s a chance for a little interactivity for all the bloggers out there. Below is a list of 100 things that I think every good omnivore should have tried at least once in their life. The list includes fine food, strange food, everyday food and even some pretty bad food - but a good omnivore should really try it all. Don’t worry if you haven’t, mind you; neither have I, though I’ll be sure to work on it. Don’t worry if you don’t recognise everything in the hundred, either; Wikipedia has the answers.Here’s what I want you to do:
1) Copy this list into your blog or journal, including these instructions.
2) Bold all the items you’ve eaten.
3) Cross out any items that you would never consider eating.
4) Optional extra: Post a comment at linking to your results.
The VGT Omnivore’s Hundred:
1. Venison
2. Nettle tea
3. Huevos rancheros
4.Steak Tartare
5. Crocodile
6. Black pudding
7. Cheese fondue
8. Carp
9. Borscht
10. Baba ghanoush
11. Calamari
12. Pho
13. PB&J sandwich
14. Aloo gobi
15. Hot dog from a street cart
16. Epoisses
17. Black truffle
18. Fruit wine made from something other than grapes
19. Steamed pork buns
20. Pistachio ice cream
21. Heirloom tomatoes
22. Fresh wild berries
23. Foie gras
24. Rice and beans
25. Brawn, or head cheese
26. Raw Scotch Bonnet pepper
27. Dulce de leche
28. Oysters
29. Baklava
30. Bagna cauda
31. Wasabi peas
32. Clam chowder in a sourdough bowl
33. Salted lassi
34. Sauerkraut
35. Root beer float
36. Cognac with a fat cigar
37. Clotted cream tea
38. Vodka jelly/Jell-O
39. Gumbo
40. Oxtail
41. Curried goat
42. Whole insects - it was in H.S. Biology (extra credit for trying them!)
43. Phaal
44. Goat’s milk
45. Malt whisky from a bottle worth £60/$120 or more
46. Fugu
47. Chicken tikka masala
48. Eel
49. Krispy Kreme original glazed doughnut
50. Sea urchin
51. Prickly pear
52. Umeboshi
53. Abalone
54. Paneer
55. McDonald’s Big Mac Meal
56. Spaetzle
57. Dirty gin martini
58. Beer above 8% ABV
59. Poutine
60. Carob chips
61. S’mores
62. Sweetbreads
63. Kaolin (not sure what this is!)
64. Currywurst
65. Durian
66. Frogs’ legs
67. Beignets, churros, elephant ears or funnel cake
68. Haggis
69. Fried plantain
70. Chitterlings, or andouillette
71. Gazpacho
72. Caviar and blini
73. Louche absinthe
74. Gjetost, or brunost
75. Roadkill
76. Baijiu
77. Hostess Fruit Pie
78. Snail
79. Lapsang souchong
80. Bellini
81. Tom yum
82. Eggs Benedict
83. Pocky
84. Tasting menu at a three-Michelin-star restaurant.
85. Kobe beef
86. Hare
87. Goulash
88. Flowers
89. Horse
90. Criollo chocolate
91. Spam
92. Soft shell crab
93. Rose harissa
94. Catfish
95. Mole poblano
96. Bagel and lox
97. Lobster Thermidor
98. Polenta
99. Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee
100. Snake
Please leave a comment here if you decide to add to your blog!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Naked Days
One day it was gearing up to be pretty warm so the morning was perfect for a little naked boy. Here is how we spent the morning:

All in all a good day--and no accidents!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Here's a recipe that can use up some of your squash and rosemary (I have a bounty of both) and you can also throw in garden tomatoes. We don't have enough yet (Monkey keeps eating them as soon as they are ripe so there's no build-up).
This dish is good vegan and even yummier with the addition of Pecorino or Parmesan cheese.
You'll need:
Pasta (I like to use a short tube pasta)
olive oil
1/2 onion (diced) - optional - I like onions
about 3 squash or zuchs (or use up a bunch!) - cut into 1/2 moons about 1/4 inch think
garlic clove (minced)
T chopped fresh rosemary (I use a bit more than this)
Can of diced tomatoes (or fresh!) drained
2 cups garbanzo beans (or well-rinsed if using canned)
Start the water boiling for your pasta (salt the water). We've been using 100% whole wheat pasta but I long for the days of its non-brown compatriots. Sigh . . . okay, back to the recipe . . .
Heat the olive oil over medium/med high heat until it shimmers
Cook the onions until almost translucent
Add your squash and cook until tender (3-5 min)
Add the garlic on top (don't let it burn) and cook for about 30 seconds or so
Add in the tomatoes, beans and rosemary
Stir to combine and put it on low until the pasts is ready (or at least 10 minutes)
Serve immediately with cheese to pass (I like the sharper bite of pecorino with this dish but parm is fine too!)
optional: toss a bit of white wine in when adding the tomatoes
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Foot Frenzy
Here's a fun (outdoor!) project to do with your toddler . . . foot painting! No, not a painting of your foot but painting with your feet. Foot prints to be exact. If I'd been prepared I would have used those big washable stamp pads (but we don't have any and I'm never prepared) so we just used plain old tempera. It's a bit slippery on the feet (but that's part of the fun) so I would advise holding hands as your little one steps.
I used the big dishes from our bubble wand sets for the paint. I have to give a MAJOR plug for these bubble wands. They are really easy for young kids to use and make their own bubbles (as any hyperventilating parent knows this is a GOOD thing). My son's been using them since before he turned two and has always been successful at producing bubbles without help. You can get your own at street fairs around town (they often have a booth) or here. I recommend getting the two wand set with the dish--great for playdates!
Okay back to the foot art experiment:
I had set out a large piece of paper on the edge of the patio so he dipped a foot and went to town. He insisted mama feet be included on our masterpiece so I dipped in as well. It was squishy, good fun. Afterwards we washed our feet with the hose (I put it out ready for us and made sure he couldn't get anywhere near the house w/out a rinse first) and stomped our feet on a towel. I highly recommend having a nearby water source and a towel at the ready.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Muffin Tin Breakfast
Today's tin is in response to the breakfast challenge at Sycamore Stirrings. Monkey's first ever muffin tin meal was a rainbow breakfast so we tried it again (sans rainbow).
spinach eggs
toast fingers
more spinach eggs
white flesh nectarine
black velvet apricot (who knew! I had to get it when I saw it at the store--kind of plummy and good)
plain old cantaloupe.
Check out the other muffin tins here.
Friday, August 15, 2008
It's Better Than Butter
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Recipe Thursday - Vegan Enchiladas
Black Bean & Roasted Sweet Potato Enchiladas
Two large sweet potatoes
T olive oil
Clove of garlic (minced)
small chili (I've used mild and medium but hot would be good too--I like to use red for color)
2 cups (or can of black beans--if you use a can be sure to rinse well--I like to use a can & 1/2 when I haven't had time to make my own)
Small can of diced tomatoes (I think it's 14.5 oz) or whole plum tomatoes chopped & drained (I've also used a big can and added more beans)
T Chili Powder
Tortillas (I use whole wheat)
Preheat Oven to 400
Peel & dice the sweet potatoes and put in a single layer on a lightly oiled baking sheet
Roast for 20-30 minutes (shake or turn over once) set aside to cool
(you can do this the day before too)
Lower oven to 350
Heat olive oil in large pan over medium heat
Cook the chili and garlic until fragrant (30 seconds or so) don't let them brown
Add in the beans, tomatoes and chili powder and cook for about 5 minutes
Add in the sweet potatoes and lower heat. Let flavors blend for 10 minutes or so.
Remove from heat.
Lightly oil a baking dish
Spoon a thin layer of salsa on the bottom of the dish (I like to use green salsa)
Place a few spoonfuls of the mixture in a tortilla, fold the ends in and roll up (place in dish)
Continue until dish is filled.
If you have leftover filling, spoon it over the enchiladas
Spoon more salsa on top
Sprinkle with chopped red onion
Cover and bake at 350 for 20-30 minutes (sometimes I remove the cover to crisp it up a bit for the last 10 minutes or so).
These are also wonderful with jack cheese (just add a bit to each tortilla and sprinkle on top). I made two pans for a party (one with cheese and one without). They both emptied out but the cheese went first of course!
This recipe was adapted from Vegan Planet which I HIGHLY recommend. We've liked almost everything I've made from this book.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Keeping Mine Small
Just the other day I realized how summer seems to be passing by way too fast but now I feel that LIFE is suddenly stuck on fast forward. I've decided that Monkey will just have to stay the way he is. I'm keeping him small. In fact, I think I might just encapsulate him in amber. He turns three in September and, apparently, it's really beginning to freak me out. I feel like I've spent so much time waiting for him to be a certain age for classes, cool projects, etc. and now we're there and time is speeding up. It feels like the next time I turn around he's going to be a lanky teenager.
Speaking of lanky teens, I see small hoards of boys roaming our neighborhood and I shudder as to what we're in for in the future. Will Monkey be a little hooligan? Will he be nice to girls and kind to puppies and . . . but I'm getting ahead of myself (like usual). It's hard for me to stay focused on the present but I'm going to try this year. I don't want to miss out on any of this--crazy tantrums and all. I fully realize that he won't automatically run to me with that open, beaming face forever.
Parenting . . . it's bittersweet!