Sunday, March 15, 2009

A Day at the Races

Monkey is all about winning these days. And let me tell you - it can get a bit . . . much! I've tried to counter it - I swear! I've calmly explained that "we can't always be first", "winning isn't everything", "it's the race that's fun not the outcome", "yada yada yada". But it's exhausting! Not to mention a bit of a lie. I ran track and it does matter who comes in first. But we'll let all that wait until puberty, because it is not fun when your three year-old is gasping in tears at the bottom step because you dared go first on the way to brush teeth. I mean, I didn't break down crying when I was second in the 400 - come on kid! (oh wait, I think I did in Cross-Country when we didn't do very well at State - but it was an aberration I swear!)

Well, it's a losing battle (see our language is filled with winning and losing - it's impossible to escape) that I am still trying to fight in bits each day but if you can't beat `em join `em (or at least exploit `em). You may recall Monkey's monster phase and how I used that to my advantage . . . well he still has a habit of denying the need to pee before long car trips - so now it's a "race to the potty". Works like a charm! He's also been refusing to try to put on his own coat. But not if it's a RACE! Next, we'll try socks and shoes (if he doesn't fall out of this phase in the meantime). We'll see you at the races!


ksjjpalmer said...

Oh my goodness! And on the day of rest too! I'm not sure how to tell you this but the "race thing" is still alive in well with my 5 year old. Keep up the good work.

Jackie Chobot said...

You are the most clever mommy in town! Love these blog posts. ;)

Serendipity said...

That's a lovely picture! Visiting from the SITS link-up :) Have a lovely Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Smart thinking!

Stopping by from SITS.

A. Gama said...

Enjoyed your post - visiting form SITS

w said...

we race with my daughter to see how fast she can put away the silverware.

also. she hasn't figured out that's there's really no race.

visiting from sits.

MollyinMinn said...

Found you on SITS. This is a great photo!