Three different tomatoes (of course I don't remember what they are but I picked some with shorter growing days so we will hopefully get a few this year - update: "Sweet Baby Girl" cherry tomato, "Dona" Salad tomato - French Market hybrid - medium sized" and "Yellow Perfection" salad tomato - 3" yellow. All are 75 days. So far in this heat they are very happy - crossing fingers). They are all from Langley Farms on Vashon (just up the street from Kingfisher Cabin) but bought at Swanson's Nursery.
In addition, we planted some yellow zuchinni - different variety than last year. We'll see how it goes over.
To top it off I got a teensy arugula start from a neighbor and planted my "Great Sunflower Project" sunflowers (a little late but they've sprouted). Hopefully, I'll get to count me some bees this year - last year nothing came up.
We also have a few strawberry volunteers that wintered over and spread themselves around - and the alpine strawberries made it too. I was surprised since we lost so many other plants in the big freeze. They are starting to ripen and hopefully we'll get to them before the slugs and bugs! I used some of Monkey's blocks to hold them off the ground - it's working!
I can't wait for everything to take off like it did last year and it will be fun to make this right out of the garden.
What are you growing?? Any tips for snails?